

When you a buy a house, condo or land in Sarnia-Lambton you’re subject to an Ontario Government land transfer tax which is due by your closing date.

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Use Ratehub.ca’s calculator to determine your applicable land transfer tax or view Ontario’s current rates below and follow along with our sample calculation.

Land Transfer Tax Calculator

Land transfer tax rates in Ontario – Updated in 2017

The Ontario land transfer tax (LTT) is a marginal tax and each portion of your home’s value is taxed at a unique rate. These tax rates are as follows:
Purchase price of home Land title transfer fee First-time homebuyer rebate
Up to and including $55,000 0.5% Full tax rebate
$55,000.01 to $250,000.00 1.0% Full tax rebate
$250,000.01 to $368,333 1.5% Full tax rebate
$368,334 to $400,000.00
1.5% $4,000 tax rebate
$400,000.00 to $2,000,000.00 2.0% $4,000 tax rebate
Over $2,000,000.00 2.5% $4,000 tax rebate

Ontario land transfer tax rebate in Ontario

For first time home buyers, there is a maximum $4,000 tax rebate on the Ontario land transfer tax. Based on Ontario’s land transfer tax rates, this refund will cover the full tax for homes up to $368,333. For homes purchased for more than $368,333, buyers will receive the full $4,000 rebate and pay the remaining LTT balance.

For Example:

Purchase price of home Land title transfer tax First-time home buyer rebate Net tax payable
$100,000 $725 $725 $0
$200,000 $1,725 $1,725 $0
$227,500 $2,000 $2,000 $0
$4,475 $4,000 $475
$600,000 $8,475 $4,000 $4,475

First-time home buyer eligibility in Ontario


You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.


You must occupy the home within 9 months of purchase.


Your spouse cannot have owned a home while being your spouse (but may be a previous home owner).


You must be 18 years or older.


You cannot have owned a home or interest in a home anywhere in the world.


If the home is newly constructed, it must be eligible for home warranty.

References & Notes

*Information above and all calculators are brought to you by ratehub.ca*
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